
5 days ago
Reclaiming Our Clyde
5 days ago
5 days ago
It's Time to Reclaim Our Clyde!Join Fiona and Marlene's discussion with passionate SCND activists David Kelly and David Peutherer as we talk about the vital need to rid the River Clyde of nuclear weapons. We dive into the engaging new campaign "It's Time to Reclaim Our Clyde" urging young people to find out more and take action for a nuclear free Scotland.Discover why independence is the only way to ensure a safer nuclear-free future for Scotland and how the campaign is empowering the next generation to rise up and make a difference. Key themes:00:02:40 Background to the campaign00:12:45 But what about the nuclear jobs?00:15:00 Increasing our defences?00:17:45 Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)00:18:42 Independence is key00:19:44 Campaign next steps00:25:34 Generational differences00:28:23 Trump00:31:00 Cuddly green nuclear power?00:35:49 Whatever happened to the Labour party?
It's time to act before it's too late! Find out more including how to get involved and make your voice heard here:
Scottish CND - https://.banthebomb.org/campaign/reclaim-our-clyde/ International Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament https://icanw.org
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) https://disarmament.unoda.org/wmd/nuclear/tpnw/
#NuclearFreeScotland #ReclaimOurClyde #tpnw
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Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Mar 14, 2025
Events, Dear Boy, Events
Friday Mar 14, 2025
Friday Mar 14, 2025
In this insightful discussion, Fiona and Marlene are joined by expert commentators Bill Ramsay and Isobel Lindsay to analyse the latest developments from the White House. They explore the growing implications for Ukraine, the evolving UK-US relationship, and the global push for increased defence spending. As tensions rise, the panel delves into whether this military build up truly benefits nations or if it mainly serves the interests of arms manufacturersKey themes:00:01:54 - context00:03:45 - US vs China00:05:27 - implications for the Russian war in Ukraine00:18:29 - UK-US relations00:20:48 - Re-armament in Europe00:33:31 - Defence priorities for Scotland00:39:24 - Ukraine peace settlement00:44:32 - The psychology of invasion00:47:09 - Trump's state visit00:49:23 - Creativity from adversity
#ukraine #trump #defence
The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe!
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Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Mar 07, 2025
Memories of the Miners' Strike 40 years on
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Friday Mar 07, 2025
Miners' Strike 40th Anniversary | Alex Shanks & Richie Venton at Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture
In this episode, Marlene and Fiona attend the Scottish Socialist Party's Jim McVicar Memorial Lecture to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1984-85 Miners' Strike.
Featuring Alex Shanks, a young miner during the strike, and Richie Venton, author of Class War on Workers, this event offers passionate speeches that explore the strike’s lasting impact on the working class. The discussions dive into the history of the Miners' Strike, its consequences, and the ongoing struggle for workers' rights. Whether you remember the strike or are engaged in class warfare studies, this episode offers powerful insights into one of the most significant labour movements in recent history.
00:01:31 Welcome by Natalie Reid
00:03:34 Alex Shanks' first hand account of the miners strike 1984/85
00:28:24 Richie Venton explores the wider context and lessons learned
Find our more at www.scottishsocialistparty.org
#MinersStrike40 #ClassWarOnWorkers #workersrights
The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe!
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If you've enjoyed this podcast you might like to buy us a coffee? https://ko-fi.com/scottishindependencepodcasts or choose us as your Easyfundraising good cause.
Music: Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Feb 28, 2025
A Positive Outlook
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Friday Feb 28, 2025
Join Indypodcasters Fiona and Marlene and guests Lynne Dougan and Jacqui Jensen as we mull over the latest Scottish political snippets from Holyrood, Westminster and beyond.
Themes include:
00:01:19 - The power of the positive outlook
00:09:47 - Outside the Labour Party conference
00:15:51 - Findlay's Barlinnie Paradise
00:19:05 - Pam Ghosal's Wild West Schools
00:25:35 - Bailey alarms patients
00:32:58 - Kate Forbes on the Internal Market Act threat
00:35:40 - Sarwar goes nuclear
00:38:50 - What does GB energy do?
00:38:50 - Lumsden's bad language
00:41:37 - investing in our people
00:45:40 - Westminster tactics
00:49:09 - Trudeau and Trump
00:51:05 - Stand up, speak up, act up
#scottishpolitics #holyrood #topicalclips
The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe!
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Inspired and Industrial Cinematic by Kevin MacLeod

Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Grangemouth - An Unjust Transition?
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
Tuesday Feb 25, 2025
A bonus podcast episode from Rising Clyde, the Scottish Climate Justice Show. Host Iain Bruce discusses the potentially unjust transition of workers at Grangemouth following the announcement that over 400 redundancy notices are being issued by refinery operator Petroineos. Iain's guests are Rosie Hampton of Friends of the Earth Scotland and Ewan Gibbs, historian of industry, energy and protest at the University of Glasgow with contributions from Chris Hamilton, Unite convenor at the plant, aviation engineer Finlay Asher of Safe Landing and Lewis Conroy, one of five climate protestors from this is Rigged, up for trial for occupying part of the plant in 2023 #grangemouth #justtransition #petroineos You can also watch the video version of this episode here
The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe!
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Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Feb 21, 2025
Will Gaza Arise from the Ashes?
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
With special guest Dr Philippa Whitford, retired surgeon and former SNP MP.Trump's astonishing proposal to turn Gaza into a waterfront resort may have dominated the headlines, but the real story is the ongoing plight of the people of Gaza as the fragile ceasefire takes effect. Dr Philippa has lived and worked in Gaza and here she offers her unique personal perspective on the recent conflict and the prospects of a peaceful solution.
If you would like to support the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians you can do so here https://map.org.uk
You can also find our previous video about Dr Whitford's work in Gaza here :https://youtu.be/1Qz-kyrGYBc
Our coverage of the Glasgow march against BBC bias is here https://youtu.be/picyGeQtyzA
#gaza #palestine #ceasefire
The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe!
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Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Feb 14, 2025
Claiming Our Rights
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
With guests Andy Anderson and Leah Gunn Barratt of Respect Scottish Sovereignty we take a closer look at the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights ( ICCPR) and what incorporation of these rights into Scots Law could mean to the Scottish people.Key themes include:00:01:00 Overview of Human Rights legislation00:03:30 Why should we incorporate ICCPR?00:06:00 Petition before the Scottish Parliament00:08:50 Example - Switzerland00:10:30 Example - Taiwan00:13:15 Example - South Korea00:16:30 Scottish Referendums Act 202000:19:14 Popular initiatives00:25:27 UK Supreme Court00:27:48 So what could Scotland do differently?00:32:41 Does Article 1 apply to Scotland?00:44:27 UN Convention of the Rights of a Child (UNCRC)00:49:21 People power!00:52:51 Our Conclusions
Previous episodes mentioned in this one:Respect Scottish Sovereignty https://scottishindypod.scot/grassroots-indy-campaign/respect-scottish-sovereignty/Building a Local Scotland https://scottishindypod.scot/all-scottish-independence-podcasts-episodes/building-a-local-scotland/
Petition 2135 https://www.parliament.scot/get-involved/petitions/view-petitions/pe2135-implement-the-international-covenant-on-civil-and-political-rights
Websites mentioned:Respect Scottish Sovereignty https://respectscottishsovereignty.scot/Scottish Human rights Commission https://www.scottishhumanrights.com/
Case study South Korea https://europeandemocracyhub.epd.eu/exploring-worldwide-democratic-innovations-south-korea/
Case study Taiwan https://europeandemocracyhub.epd.eu/exploring-worldwide-democratic-innovations-taiwan/
Lord Reed on why the Supreme Court matters to Scotland
#ICCPR #sovereignty #scottish
The Scottish Independence Podcasts team produce a NEW podcast episode every Friday search for Scottish Independence Podcasts wherever you get your podcasts. Remember to like and subscribe!
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Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Friday Feb 07, 2025
Ringwood Publishing is an independent Scottish publisher based in Glasgow. In January they hosted an even called Reflections and Revelations: Our Memoirs Event showcasing several of their authors who have written books based on Memoir. Fiona and Marlene were delighted to attend and record the event. Speakers and readings are:00:01:04 Mary McCabe, author of Two Closes and a Referendum and Stirring the Dust00:08:27 Carol Fox, author of Memoirs of a Feminist Mother00:16:36 Sandy Jamieson, Chief Executive of Ringwood introducing the work of the late Brendan McLaughlin and John Keeman00:22:57 Brendan McLaughlin's daughter Siobhan 00:24:51 Reading from First of May by Brendan McLaughlin00:27:32 Reading from In the Shadow of the Crane by John Keeman00:32:13 Maureen Cullen, author of Kitten Heels00:40:43 Kirsten McQuarrie, author of Remember the Rowan00:45:03 Panel discussion and questions from the audience
More about Ringwood publishers, featured authors and their books at https://www.ringwoodpublishing.com/
#memoirs #ringwoodpublishers #scottish
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Inspired by Kevin MacLeod

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YesCowal and Scottish Independence Podcasts are curated by various members of the https://scottishindypod.scot/ team. Our aim is to give a platform to the various views around the Scottish Independence question. Views expressed in the podcasts do not necessarily reflect those of the radio team nor should our coverage be taken as endorsement of views or persons.
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